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Prisoner's Rights Attorney in Charlotte, North Carolina and Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Prisoner's Rights

Our United States Supreme Court has said prisoners don’t give up ALL their rights at the prison door.  When it comes to fighting for those limited rights that prisoners do have while incarcerated, there are few law firms that are willing to go up against prison officials who violate them.  Here at Figueroa & Associates, we are willing to make sure the United States Supreme Court’s words are honored.  The firm will focus on:

  •  First Amendment violations

  • Eight Amendment violations

  • Fourteenth Amendment Violations

The violations of the amendments includes but is not limited to cruel and unusual punishment of prisoners, personal injury of prisoners and the right to humane facilities and conditions.  Incarcerated individuals still have basic rights that cannot be violated. If your rights are violated while serving time, our attorney will ensure that you have a voice that reaches beyond your confinement.